The 35th Distinguished Scientist Lecture was held at the auditorium of the Social Sciences Complex on the afternoon of January 9. Michael V. Berry, an emeritus professor of physics at the University of Bristol, also a foreign member of the U.S. National Academy of Science (NAS) and recipient of the Dirac Medal, Wolf Prize, and Lorentz Medal. Berry, delivered a lecture titled “Four Geometrical Optical Illusions”. Ye Chaohui, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was in attendance and HNU Vice President Li Buhong chaired the event.

Lecture venue (Photo by Zhang Yang)
During his lecture, Michael Berry explained the scientific principles behind four optical illusions in geometrical optics: mirages and Raman’s misinterpretation, the Oriental “magic mirrors” and Laplace images, moon’s tilted orbit and witch balls, and distortions in curved mirrors and reflections disrupted by topological defects. He explained systematically the impact of caustic curves on imaging, elaborated on the key optical principles, and explored in-depth the laws and reasons underlying these phenomena. Berry recognized optical illusions and geometric phases as two critical areas of study in physics which can shed light on the interactions between light and matter in nature and hold immense value for advancing science and technology.

Michael V. Berry delivering the lecture (Photo by Zhang Yang)
The lecture attracted a packed audience. A lively Q&A session followed, during which Berry gave detailed and insightful answers.

Q&A session (Photo by Zheng Danting)
Level-II Inspector Wu Zhonghai and other senior officials from Hainan Association for Science and Technology, faculty and student representatives from all HNU campuses and science & education parks, as well as heads of the departments concerned, also attended the lecture in person or virtually.
Source from HNU News
Translated by Han Yunsheng
Proofread by Kuang Xiaowen, Yang Jie