Global Recruitment Notice Content
March 6, 2023
Hainan University isRecruiting Researchers for the Development and Utilization of Tropical Marine Materials from Home and Abroad for School of Materials Science and Engineering

Ⅰ. Introduction

Hainan University (HNU) was founded in 1958 in Hainan Island and is one of the first batch of world-class discipline construction universities in China. It is jointly supported by the Ministry of Education and Hainan Province. HNU currently has a campus area of 6073 mu, with 41000 full-time students, 37 schools, 13 first-level discipline doctoral programs, 1 professional degree doctoral program, 34 first-level discipline master’s programs, 21 categories of master’s degree programs, 69 undergraduate programs, 6 postdoctoral workstations, and 45 national-level first-class undergraduate programs. The disciplines cover philosophy, economics, law, literature, science, medicine, agriculture, engineering, management, art, and among others. There are more than 2600 full-time teachers, including 1 CAS member, 1 member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, 1 foreign academician of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, 4 national famous teachers, and more than 40 national level talents, such as Changjiang Scholars, Outstanding Youth, and leaders of the National High level Talent Special Support Program. HNU has one state key laboratory jointly built by Hainan Province and the Ministry of Education, 17 provincial and ministerial level key laboratories, 3 provincial and ministerial level collaborative innovation centers, 2 centers of International and Regional Studies of the Ministry of Education, 15 provincial and ministerial level engineering research centers, 15 provincial academician workstations, and 11 provincial key research bases for philosophy and social sciences.

The School of Materials Science and Engineering of Hainan University is developed from the major of Tropical Economic Crop Processing of the South China Tropical Crop College established in 1958, with a feature of natural polymer rubber materials in early times. In the new era, the school takes on new mission. The school has set up four directions of marine energy materials, tropical island engineering materials, ecological environmental materials, and natural polymer rubber materials, while continuing to improve natural rubber materials. At present, the school and disciplines mainly focus on the five major science and engineering fields of "ecological civilization", "tropical high-efficiency agriculture", "marine technology", "life and health", and "information technology". Guided by major needs, we encourage the formation of research innovation teams and research innovation cultivation teams through interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to solve material science problems in related fields. The school and disciplines particularly focus on encouraging and supporting the construction of natural polymer rubber and marine corrosion related fields. While actively encouraging and guiding the team of this discipline to engage in relevant research, it aims to serve the construction of Free Trade Port, inherit and promote discipline characteristics. It further creates think tanks and platforms to support the construction of world-class disciplines, strengthens talent cultivation, discipline construction, and modern university spirit construction, and serves the “double world-class project” construction and high-quality development of Hainan University.

Ⅱ. Basic Requirements

1. Being firm in ideals and beliefs, love the cause of education and scientific research, possess a strong sense of dedication and responsibility, recognize HNU’s educational philosophy and development goals, and possess good political quality, professional ethics, personal morality, and comprehensive quality.

2. The applicants should have a solid foundation in mathematics and physics, and have been engaged in materials science and engineering, polymer material science and engineering, material physics and chemistry, materials and chemical related majors for a long time. In particular, priorities will be given to the applicants who are engaged in rubber molding and processing, natural polymer materials, organic/polymer synthesis, organic/polymer processing and molding, marine corrosion and protection research directions.

3. In good health condition for normal performance of duties. The age does not exceed 50 years old, and the age for those who are particularly outstanding can be raised appropriately.

Ⅲ. Posts and Salaries

(Ⅰ) Posts

Several academic leaders and research backbones.

(Ⅱ) Salaries

According to the "Classification Standards for High Level Talents in Hainan Free Trade Port (2020)" and the "Implementation Measures for Talent Introduction Standards and Salaries of Hainan University", the specific salaries related to recruitment posts are as follows:

1. Class A Talent

Basic requirements: The applicant should possess strong academic leadership, have achieved systematic and pioneering achievements and significant contributions recognized by peers at home and abroad in their fields. The applicant was selected as academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the CAE Member or reaching comparable level. Or the applicant has experience in organizing and planning national level major scientific research projects, and has outstanding overall planning abilities in major strategic issues related to economic and social development, has strategic scientist planning ability in disciplinary construction and scientific research work, and is able to lead relevant disciplinary groups to maintain or surpass domestic and international advanced levels.

Salary standards:

(1) After employment, the applicants can be recruited by public institutions and enjoy relevant salaries and welfare;

(2) 1 million yuan of settling-in allowance;

(3) Provide corresponding salary for the hired professional and technical posts, and an additional talent allowance of 900000-1.2 million yuan/year;

(4) Provide sufficient research start-up funds and high-quality research places according to the needs;

(5) Spouse work can be arranged.

2.Class B Talent

Basic requirements: The applicants should possess strong academic organizational abilities and have achieved influential academic achievements at domestic or world advanced levels in the discipline. The applicant was selected in national high-level talent program or reach comparable level. Or the applicants have experience in organizing and planning national level major or key research and development projects, are active in academic thinking and have creative ideas for the development of the discipline, are able to lead the discipline into a leading position in China and and international advanced levels in the forefront of the discipline.

Salary standards:

(1) After employment, the applicants can be recruited by public institutions and enjoy relevant salaries and welfare;

(2) 700000 yuan of settling-in allowance;

(3) Provide corresponding salary for the hired professional and technical posts, and an additional talent allowance of 700000-900000yuan/year;

(4) Provide sufficient research start-up funds and high-quality research places according to the needs;

(5) Spouse work can be arranged if the spouse has a bachelor's degree or above.

3. Class C Talent

Basic requirements: The applicants should have strong team organizational skills, have achieved important representative achievements in the discipline (major) direction and possess good academic competitiveness and great development potential. The applicants are selected in the national youth talent plan program or reach the same level. Or the applicants have experience in organizing and planning national key or equivalent scientific research projects, have a good development plan for the discipline direction, innovative ideas for the construction and academic research work of the discipline, and can play a leading role in the discipline construction, talent cultivation, and other aspects of the discipline.

Salary standards:

(1) After employment, the applicants can be recruited by public institutions and enjoy relevant salaries and welfare;

(2) 500000 yuan of settling-in allowance;

(3) Provide corresponding salary for the hired professional and technical posts, and an additional talent allowance of 400000-600000yuan/year;

(4) Provide sufficient research start-up funds and high-quality research places according to the needs;

(5) Spouse work can be arranged if the spouse has a master degree or above.

4. Class D Talent

Basic requirements: The applicants should possess strong academic ability, have representative achievements with influence in the discipline, and the potential to support the discipline in maintaining or challenging advanced domestic levels. Or the applicants have experience in organizing and planning national level scientific research projects, have innovative ideas for the construction of the discipline, play a supporting role in the discipline construction, talent cultivation, and other aspects of the discipline.

Salary standards:

(1) After employment, the applicants can be recruited by public institutions and enjoy relevant salaries and welfare;

(2) 400000 yuan of settling-in allowance;

(3) Provide corresponding salary for the hired professional and technical posts, and an additional talent allowance of 100000-400000yuan/year;

(4) Provide sufficient research start-up funds and high-quality research places according to the needs;

(5) HNU assists in arranging spouse work based on specific circumstances.

5. Class E Talent

Basic requirements: The applicants should have good academic ability and representative achievements in the discipline, can play a backbone role in the discipline construction and talent cultivation of the discipline.

Salary standards:

(1) After employment, the applicants can be recruited by public institutions and enjoy relevant salaries and welfare;

(2) 200000 yuan of settling-in allowance;

(3) Provide corresponding salaries for the hired professional and technical post. Talents with outstanding scientific research achievements, rapid growth potential, or needed in urgent can apply for an additional talent allowance, which will be approved by the HNU’s special recruitment committee;

(4) Provide sufficient research start-up funds and high-quality office research places according to the needs.

In addition, for newly introduced outstanding high-level talents, they can apply for direct recognition or higher recruitment of senior professional and technical posts according to the HNU’s regulations, and prioritize the application of provincial talent projects.

IV. Recruitment Procedures

1. Registration method and requirements

(1) Registration timeline: valid for long term

(2) Registration method: The applicant fills in the recruitment system: or the application form for introducing high-level talents of Hainan University, and send the attached materials to the mailbox of the recruitment unit.

2. Recruitment procedures

Please refer to for detailed recruitment procedure.

V. Contact Information

Mailbox: (a duplicate will be sent to


Contact:Teacher Wang

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