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November 11, 2023
HNU Strives to be a Comprehensive, Research-oriented, and Internationalized “Double First-class” University

The opening ceremony of the third congress of CPC Hainan University committee (Source: Xinhuanet)

On the morning of November 11, 2023, the Third Congress of CPC Hainan University (HNU) Committee kicked off in the auditorium of Siyuan Academy at Haidian campus of the University. The Congress mapped out a blueprint for HNU’s development, aiming to build HNU into a comprehensive, research-oriented and internationalized world-class university supporting first-class disciplines.

On behalf of the Second Congress of CPC Hainan University Committee, Fu Xuanguo, Secretary of the CPC Hainan University Committee, delivered a report at the opening ceremony of the congress, calling on all staff and students to stay true to the founding mission and work together, with innovative ideas and pioneering spirit, to build HNU into a comprehensive, research-oriented and internationalized “double first-class” university.

In his report, Fu acknowledged that with the past six years’ unremitting efforts, Hainan University has achieved leapfrog development with the following positive results: Party building has been fully strengthened; the teaching quality has been continuously improved; the team of high calibre talent has been expanded; the pattern of discipline development continues to be optimized; the capacity of research and innovation has been obviously improved; social service function has been enhanced; international exchange has been promoted; the internal administration system has been steadily improved. All the faculty and students are forging ahead in unity.

Such great achievements can be basically attributed to the fact that HNU has always adhered to the leadership of the Party, and always insisted on fostering integrity of people and putting people first, committing to serving the nation with reform and innovation, and inheritance of university tradition.

Fu emphasized that higher education plays a leading role in building China into an education power. We need to apply advanced theories, principles and philosophy to guide the development of university in the new era, and translate innovative theory of CPC into a powerful driving force for practices, thus contributing to building an education power with Chinese characteristics.

To this end, we need to put people first, and develop education that meets the people’s expectations. We need to be self-confident and stand on our own feet, and resolve to build a world-class university. We need to uphold fundamental principles and break new ground, and stimulate vitality of reform and development. We need to adopt problem-oriented approach, and strengthen resilience to overcome difficulties and challenges. We need to take holistic approaches to improve efficiency. And finally we need to take a global perspective with willingness to embrace diversity.

Fu pointed out that HNU need to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation and take it as one of core development goals of the university. It is of great help in building HNU into a world-class university supporting the development of Hainan Free Trade Port and turning HNU to be exemplary model for reform and opening-up in China’s higher education.

In the coming certain years, HNU will strive to become a comprehensive, research-oriented, internationalized “double first-class” university in all respect. By 2025, HNU’s modernization will be significantly improved. At that time, the university will be further integrated into the development of Hainan Free Trade Port, and a framework of comprehensive, research-oriented, internationalized “double first-class” university will basically take shape. By 2035, a new pattern of coordinated development for multiple disciplines will come into being. The special disciplines with advantages will be in leading place across the globe, and HNU’s influence will be significantly enhanced. At that time, NHU will become a comprehensive, research-oriented, internationalized world-class university supporting world-class disciplines.

Fu said that in the next five years, we should focus on how and what HNU can do under the background of building an education power and building Free Trade Port. We need to fully carry out the “1443 strategy” and integrate education, technology, and talent in a coordinated manner, writing a new chapter of high-quality and leapfrog development in the history of Hainan University.

With this in mind, we need to take fostering integrity of people as the fundamental task, and develop top-notch innovative personnel; we need to build a high-calibre talent hub for a Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics; we need to make every possible effort to build world-class disciplines; we need to create a regional innovation hub; we need to create a new landscape for international exchanges; we need to promote the modernization of the administration system and capabilities and finally, we need to foster a high-quality campus.

The congress reviewed the Report on the Work of the 2nd Commission for Discipline Inspection of CPC Hainan University Committee and Report on Collection and Usage of Party Membership Dues (draft).

Officials from Organization Department of CPC Hainan Provincial Committee, Hainan Provincial Department of Education and other universities were invited to attend the congress and extended their congratulatory message.

Some other members of CPC Hainan University Committee and Commission for Discipline Inspection of CPC Hainan University Committee, as well as leaders from Party Committees of Schools and Colleges, various departments, other democratic parties and provincial counsellors, and individuals without any party affiliation also attended the opening ceremony of the congress as observers. (Wang Yiqing, Zheng Run, and Yang Jie)

[Editor in charge: Zhang Yu]

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