News and Events Campus News Content
May 24, 2024
The First “Brainstorming for the Future of HNU” Seminar Takes Place

On the afternoon of May 12, 2024, the first “Brainstorming for the Future of HNU” Seminar was held in Danzhou Campus of Hainan University (HNU). About 80 people participated and contributed their ideas to and suggestions for the future development of agriculture discipline in HNU. Vice president Nie Qingbin chaired the seminar.

Photo of the seminar by Ruan Rongqian

HNU president Luo Qingming said that Hainan University, in response to the national strategy and the economic and social development of Hainan, need to further develop its agricultural discipline to serve the development of relevant sectors in Hainan by cultivating new forms of agricultural industry, enhancing high-quality agricultural productivity, and leveraging the advantages of the University. It is necessary to identify the development orientation of agricultural discipline and continuously restructure agriculture-related majors. What’s more, HNU need to follow problem-oriented approach, in an innovative and pioneering manner, to facilitate the development of tropical high-efficiency agricultural industry by cultivating top-notch innovative talents in this field. We need to work hard to create a new height of high-quality development of the University, laying a good foundation for the building of a comprehensive research university with global influence and a “double first-class” status.

HNU president Luo Qingming is speaking at the seminar. Photo by Ruan Rongqian.

In the seminar, vice president Nie Qingbin presented in detail the planning of Danzhou campus construction, a part of the grand blueprint for the future development of the University.

Professor Tang Hua, chief scientist of durian industrial technology system, Ms. Wang Jianan, secretary to the chief scientist of mango industrial technology system, and Professor Yang Ranbing, chief scientist of intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment industrial technology system, shared their views on the development of modern industrial technology systems in their respective fields.

The participants include other university leadership members: Cao Bing, Gao Tiangong, Qiu Xiguang, Zou Yonghua and Yang Zhixin, and heads of relevant offices and departments, and faculty and student representatives

The “Brainstorming for the Future of HNU” Seminar will be held on regular basis, serving as a mechanism for communication among the university leaders, heads of departments and schools, responsible professors in different disciplines and academic leaders. Through this mechanism, the ideas and concrete measures of running the university, and the path of reform and innovation will be deliberated, and a consensus will be reached, and finally a blueprint will be mapped out for HNU’s high-quality, inclusive and leapfrog development.

The Seminar will be conducted in the form of “face-to-face” communication with voluntary participation. The participants are encouraged to engage in active sharing and discussion. The event will be held once a month theoretically, normally on weekends. With a rotating host system, it will be organized by different offices, schools and colleges in turn. The topic and the host of the event will be jointly proposed by the Office of CPC Committee and Administration and the Office of Development Planning and Academic Discipline Construction through consultation. After the proposal is approved by the university leadership, the to-be host will start the preparation work, including posting notice, formulating agenda, etc.

Source from People’s Daily

Translated by Hu Xiufang

Proofread by Chen Chuanxian, Yang Jie

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